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Building Sales Capability

with Guiding Eagles

"SALES is a highly visible function in organization that leaves no room for complacency, & yet most companies know surprisingly little about the unique blend of behaviours and motivation that creates sales success.”

– Management Research Group


Who Needs the 'Sales Mindset'?

In today’s business world, the role of selling is no longer confined to salespeople. Selling has become an important competency across the organization.


Whether directly interacting with clients or not, whether one has a formal sales role or not, developing a “Sales Mindset” is important in every function and position across an organization. This is even more important as one moves upward in an organization, and is especially critical for CEOs, Business Owners, Partners, and any Executives who engage with clients or stakeholders at strategic levels.


What Actually Works?

Selling is a process that includes multiple activities. Each facet has its own challenges and requires different Skills. There are both the behavioural as well as the process aspects to consider.

Building Sales Capability Program

 Guiding Eagles’ Building Sales Capability Programs incorporates best practices in selling, and are customized to the specific needs of the client organizations so that ideas and concepts are deeply integrated into the workplace to create practical value. The basic building blocks of our Building Sales Capability programs  are:

1. Cultivating the Mindset

Defining what is needed in having a "Sales Mindset".

2. Laying the Foundation

Modelling what top salespeople do, the fundamental skills of selling.

3. Implementing Sales Concepts

Bringing into the workplace key selling best practices, models and applying them in the context of the organization

4. Advancing Skills

Introducing the Key Account Management concept, tying it in with sales tools & methodologies

5. Assessment and Review

Evaluate what has been applied in the workplace, ensuring that learning has been institutionalized and created impact

6. Continuous Improvement 

 Furthering specific development on an as-needed basis

7. Application and Reinforcement

Built into each stage of the learning program to ensure that individuals are taking steps in making the shift in what they do & how they do it.

Want to upgrade your sales game?


Then let's talk about our Sales Capacity Programs.


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