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Our Mission

To guide teams & organizations to

ever-higher collaborative success


To guide individuals to ever-higher personal success, career growth and leadership effectiveness. 

How We Work

Step 1: Learn


Every Guiding Eagles collaboration begins with an obligation-free chat. "Nothing beats a face-to-face".

We won't pretend to know your company and we won't assume to know your challenges as every company & situation is unique,


So let's meet up and let us get to understand what challenges you face.

Step 2: Analyze


To really get to the root cause of any challenges we'll need data and objective analyses.

To do so, we bring in different diagnostic tools, ranging from structured interviews, to best-in-class assessments and psychometrics, to gain genuine insight in order to create the 'right fit' solution.

Our Partnerships

birkman assessment provider Hong

Working with Guiding Eagles, our clients tap into a global network of expertise, via our partnerships bringing industry-leading tools, a wealth of field experience and the skills to tackle any challenge.

Step 3: Design


You expect a doctor to prescribe treatments that have been based on research, so why treat your business any different?


At Guiding Eagles, we combine our experience with evidence-based research to build customized solutions, bringing together innovative thinking with proven frameworks of success. That means 'right-fit' solutions that are practical in the real world.

Step 4: Act & Evaluate


We don't just deliver a solution, we guide, meaning we're partners together, we are with you all the way in your growth journey, providing on-going feedback & adjustments with time.

Whether it is a stand-alone engagement or a long-term partnership, our clients praise how committed we are to creating lasting change. This sense of commitment is what sets us apart from other firms. That's the Guiding Eagles way.

Case Studies


Top 5  Global  

Bank & FinTech 

Struggling to Sell in China​

Despite having successful branches around the world, something about China  baffled the sales team of this large financial firm.

The China Sales Team was consistently unable to sell effectively to key accounts in China and manage their US counterparts.




No Leadership Development

Building management up through the ranks can result in a team with incredible industry knowledge &  technical understanding...


But it can also result in less management ability. Once an economic downturn hit one manufacturer, they felt that weakness hard.


Fortune 500

US Multinational

Localization & Leadership 

Despite having seasoned executives, overseeing Asia operations was turbulent for this industry giant, despite attempts to reverse course.

What was needed to reduce turnover, regain productivity and meet headquarters  aggressive growth targets remained unclear.

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Let's build 

some genuine change

It all starts with an obligation-free conversation.

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